Sunday 17 January 2010

Orpheus & Eurydice

So, since my last post I have been frantically cutting out lino, printing it and placing it in the spreads for my book in time for my assessment tomorrow. It's been quite frustrating cutting two blocks for every illustration to allow colour, but it has given me more freedom than using a reduction method. Plus it means I still have all the original plates to print from in the future.
As promised, here are a few of my final prints for the book. I'm pretty happy with how they've come out, although my only real reservation would be the darkness of the blue. I quite like the gloomy feeling it gives, but if I have time in the future I think I'll have a go using a crimson red or something similar. Overall, though, I am happy with the outcome.

Wish me luck for assessment!

1 comment:

Brine Blank said...

Those are pretty neat...I do agree with you on the intensity of the is so strong on my monitor that it tends to overpower and lose some of the detail in the black because of the color relationship lacking some may not look like that in real life as I know monitors can lie...but still great series throughout...